Trabajando Itinerary

Luis Viloria Welcome to EDG Skateboards

Luis Viloria Welcome to EDG Skateboards

EDG Skateboards Welcomes Luis Viloria on the team! This man is a young powerhouse full of pop but not lacking in the tech department with a rough-on-the -edges kind of steez. 

Zoo Bible By Thompson Geraghty | VX1000 | Chicago

Zoo Bible By Thompson Geraghty | VX1000 | Chicago

The next generation steps up to the plate to hold down the Chicago loop. It's videos like this that give you the feeling, Maybe everything is going to be alright. These dudes just go downtown and skate as much as they possibly can, and it really reminds me of myself at that age.

Segunda Casa by Piff Sticks | Barcelona

Segunda Casa by Piff Sticks | Barcelona

This is the type of content that's like Christmas for us when it drops. Nothing more refreshing than some underground footage of some legendary dudes like Tom Penny, Flo Margaing, mixed with new G's like Nassim Lachhab and Pascal Tawadros.

los calles