Al Carrer Skate Shop | KNOW AS SUGAR | Edit | Skate Spot Petition

If there is anything Al Carrer does better than most skate shops, it's their commitment to accessibility in skateboarding. From getting skateparks built, offering weekly skate classes, and petitioning with the city to allow skateboarding at more spots, Al Carrer is taking action. Cheers to 7 years of Al Carrer! 

Know As Sugar Filmed by Bruno Rocha

The WTC plaza, known as Sugar, in Barcelona, is an expansive spot full of almost any obstacle you can think of, and even more if you get creative. The plethora of hidden gems is brushed on in this edit, but if you ever go to this spot, you could find even more! One of the most iconic spots of Barcelona used to be located here, the legendary wooden Barcelona benches with the metal edges. These benches provided a great alternative to Macba and Sants, location wise as well as atmospherically. Boldly, Al Carrer not only wants the skate stoppers removed, but they would also like to construct some granite ledges. (What a vision they have!)  

Go  watch the edit, sign the petition, and think about something in your community that could benefit from this kind of community effort! Imagine, if we help them make this spot with our signatures, they could return the favor when you have a new petition on your community!

If you have anything like this going on is your skate community we would love to support! 

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