BWREN | San Francisco Full Length | Le Street C Chic

I've been watching this crew since I met Kevin Ozcan in Paris a few years back. They are always putting out pure skateboarding content, full of power and tons of creativity. 

There is just something so special about the way the French skate SF. You just get the feeling they are having the best time of their lives regardless of the trick. This video truly captures their spirit embracing the epic hills SF has to offer, and also showcases the never ending supply of cutty spots that can be unlocked in any major city! 

I hope to see these boys in Chicago one day, we have plenty of Des Bonnes Spots all over the city in need of some French Ingenuity. 

San Francisco with some drops of Vancouver and LA


Malo Simonet

Victor Campillo

Macéo Moreau

Kevin Ozcan

Thibault Le Nours

Maclyn Milsark

Branden Wren

Keith Silvers

Josh Paynter

Zach Chamberlin

Eric Peirera

Ryan Siemens

Filmed and edited by Macéo 

Photos by Thibault

Additional Filming: Victor Campillo

Malo Simonet Branden Wren

Thibault Le Nours 

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