Zoo Bible By Thompson Geraghty | VX1000 | Chicago


The next generation steps up to the plate to hold down the Chicago loop. It's videos like this that give you the feeling, maybe everything is going to be alright with skating and the younger gen.

These dudes just go downtown and skate as much as they possibly can, and it really reminds me of myself at that age. I don't go downtown and skate nearly as much as should, maybe because I'm always typing shit up on this dang computer, maybe because it's winter, but either way, it's pure inspiration to have some young guns to try and keep up with. Seeing all of these clips hit home for me, makes me feel like I know how much these kids love skateboarding in Chicago. For a place that can be unskateable for half the year, it takes a lot of love, but that love compounds and gets expressed through hardbody skateboarding maneuvers and gives us great things like this video. It's like the stress of the city is the pressure that creates the diamond that is skateboarding. Thompson captures so many essences in this video. There are so many moments in Chicago when you turn the corner and you get a glimpse into someone's world that is completely different than yours, yet here we all are, sharing the same space. . .or that feeling of some locations that just seem mysterious all around mysterious just for existing. The footage suggests that Thompson was quite drawn to those kinds of moments. 

I hope this video inspires even younger generations to hold it down in a respectable way like these fine fellows. 

Thompson hit us with that timeless VHS b-roll too. In the future this video might be difficult to judge what year it was filmed in. That's the sickest. 

Chicago skateboarding 

Video by Thompson Geraghty 

Featuring: Justice Kollie Hollister Hunter Julian Shearer Dom Chioda Jason Dwyer Nora Olivo Oliver Ryan Beauchamp Kushy Kevin Scutchfield Sean Cullen Logan Desmon Dakota Erwin

Additional filming Mike Simms Ryan Beauchamp Van Owens Stu Rowland Brendan Hollis

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