Traba Itinerary

Al Carrer X Girl Skateboards X Barcelona Montage

Al Carrer X Girl Skateboards X Barcelona Montage

Al Carrer seems to constantly defy the limits of what we believe a skateshop is capable of. So if you've never heard of them, you are in for a treat. They seem to be putting out collabs left and right with our favorite brands, and they just get it right every time. Hope you enjoy this semi recent collaboration with Girl Skateboards.

Al Carrer Skatebshop | Paral-lel Back in the Dayz

Al Carrer Skatebshop | Paral-lel Back in the Dayz

Successful projects like this show the true power of when skate community develops a positive relationship with cities and property owners in regards to skate spots, plazas, DIY's, and skateparks. Amazing spots can happen with some proper communication! 

Al Carrer Skate Shop | KNOW AS SUGAR | Edit | Skate Spot Petition

Al Carrer Skate Shop | KNOW AS SUGAR | Edit | Skate Spot Petition

From getting skateparks built, offering weekly skate classes, and petitioning with the city to allow skateboarding at more spots, Al Carrer is taking action.  



Al Carrer Skateshop in Barcelona just put out this incredibly soulful full length entitled, PROMO. This video embodies, in my opinion everything a skateboarding scene needs to thrive regardless of economic situations. The support of the youth through skateboarding lessons and meetups, the laughter, and the overall love for skateboarding is more than apparent in this film.